The Cybergenica Blog

How Google Adsense Changed the Internet

Ever since Google came up with the master idea that is “AdSense,” the interactive framework has transformed online advertising in ways few people could have predicted. While some of these are positive changes, the fact is others aren’t.

Statistics show this brilliant marketing scheme has taken over the internet and redefined advertising altogether. It’s amazing to see the changes advertisers and publishers and even website visitors have undergone since AdSense has evolved into a entity that’s omnipresent in most people’s lives.

Long before AdSense was unveiled, many companies and individuals were advertising through AdWords. This ensured a lot of publicity by getting your site listed on Google search queries. Through the use of AdWords, almost anyone could have their ads appear on for a few pennies, which was at the root of AdSense.

Companies no longer required professionals to implement and manage extremely elaborate advertising campaigns. Thanks to AdSense, running your ads on websites or networks became a cost effective solution anyone could afford.

The largest impact associated with AdSense comes from the publishers’ point of view, whereas “uniqueness” motivates content production, and enhances proprietary resources for web surfers.

It’s no secret the blogging phenomenon exploded with AdSense. Anyone could write an article or post about any topic and through AdSense, generate revenue according to the niche or subject popularity.

Of course, there are negative effects as well, with countless writers and bloggers manufacturing websites solely for the purpose of promoting AdSense. Then there’s the infamous Google click fraud.

But, the positive outcome far outweighs the negative, making AdSense a viable channel to generate advertising revenue for years to come. Sign-up today, it’s free!

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