The Cybergenica Blog

4 Simple Things You Can Do To Lose Or Manage Your Weight

weight loss progress

Are you among the 1.5 billion human beings who are obese or overweight?

Statistics show that 1 in 5 people on earth is considered either overweight or obese.

While malnutrition is an important factor in the worldwide pandemic, experts agree it is the lack of exercise that plays a larger role in people getting fatter by the minute.

Below are 4 simple things almost anyone can do to either maintain or achieve a healthy weight.

1. Walk

Walking is a low impact way to get or keep fit. Because walking burns an average of 250-300 calories per hour, it’s a popular way to honor our temple.

Plus, walking includes both cardiovascular and circulatory benefits to boot!

2. Swim

Swimming is another great low impact exercise that burns over 500 calories per hour.

And, just like walking, swimming has cardiovascular and circulatory benefits which in turn lead to better overall health!

3. Bike

At close to 800 calories burnt per hour, biking is among the most beneficial low impact exercise out there.

Add a wide array of cardiovascular and circulatory benefits, and you’ve got a perfect solution to health and fitness.

4. Watch TV

While watching television is not in itself beneficial to your health, exercising during commercials can transform your body.

A few pushups, ab crunches or core exercises can burn 100-400 calories per 1 hour show, as long as you get off the couch during every commercial and do something!

When it comes to honoring your temple and managing your weight, the only thing stopping you is… YOU!

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