The Cybergenica Blog

Where Were You on 9/11?

When the first plane hit the World Trade Center, I was sitting in my SUV in a hospital parking lot waiting for my assistant to return with a $5,000.00 deposit check toward web production for a leading authority on heart surgery. The terror attack was at the root of my client backing out of a deal I relied on very desperately…

Shortly thereafter I watched the second plane hit on CNN, and stayed glued to my television for days.

A couple weeks after the smoked cleared a bit, I ventured out to NYC to witness for myself the disaster, the horrible mess that was left behind for everyone to clean up.

To this day I continue to be blown away, pun intended, by the fact a handful of terrorists boarded airliners, which they eventually took control of to be used as missiles meant to inflict damage and pain beyond measure.

9/11 changed me.

My hope and prayer is Christ will soon return, and days such as the one that unfolded 13 years ago will never again take place… May God be with you, always.

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