The Cybergenica Blog

What Are Those Hello Friend TV Ads?

This Video Features The Answer to your Hello Friend TV Commercials Quest… ;)

Original Post made on Jan 20th…
Fortunately for you, I have the answer to this popular question! I pulled the juicy details per Bright House Networks during a phone call I placed to their Advertising dept. earlier today.

I have to admit, of all things, turning this ad campaign into a virtual a Message from God never crossed my mind… until I noticed over 75,000 hits overnight!

God is Always with You!!!

Let’s find out what these silly ads are about shall we?

Hello Friend TV Ad Spot, Bright House Networks (hellofriend)The truth about the series of “hellofriend” ad spots resides indeed in that phone call I placed to BHN. But first, for your benefit in more ways than I care to discuss, let me digress…

Like many of you I was exposed to these senseless TV ads. I’d say, it took about a half dozen commercials before I took notice, then decided to investigate further. I was blessed to quickly find the answer to my question, which I turned into a blog post that’s become host to over 50,000 people in 2 weeks. I spit tested the flow of non-targeted visitors and continue to experiment with this unexpected blessing. It’s been fun!

Because there’s no clear message or company promoted in the ads, many 3rd parties are capitalizing on this ad series (including yours truly! ;)

FACT: People that give out free stuff, including information like this post, such generous people are usually obvious about the way they capitalize on your time, energy and in some cases, your money… Either through advertising, a membership fee, a book or training program, or a mailing list, you name it. Usually, it’s obvious how you will be exploited…

It’s the Hypocrites you should worry about, those out to cash-in on your TEMPle (Time, Energy, Money and Passion).

Let’s take for example Yahoo Answers (or LACK thereof).

What surprises me most about this one is the large number of people duped by Yahoo Answers. These willing participants, such as you perhaps, don’t realize you’re being screened from actual answers to your questions… until Yahoo deems it timely to release answers, for their own benefit of course!

EVER heard of OPR?

On the Yahoo Answers web page, Yahoo reverses the roles as it capitalizes on people’s time, and money. Other People’s Resources, OPR is a concept by which users can capitalize on free services, such as YouTube for free video storage and/or free video delivery, Yahoo for free email, Google Voice for a free phone line, etc.

But Yahoo puts people like you to work by starting or encouraging treads such as the one mentioned here, about the now famous “hellofriend ads“, while generating revenue from advertising…well done Yahoo!

But it wasn’t Yahoo that put out the “hellofriend TV ad” now was it, yet they profit from it… As do-I, only in my case, it’s for God’s glory!!!!

That’s Capitalism 101 for ya! ;)

Something else about the ad, and its thousands of internet queries is, no one figured this out until today…

Really people?

That’s not the first call I placed to BHN Advertising, but it’s funny…. ;)
Link to MP3 Audio:

hello friend TV Commercials, TV Ads, Bright House NetworksThe color scheme matching that of Bright House Networks didn’t give it away? Or the obvious lack of product, service or even PSA message? That stuff didn’t trigger the “I Got It!” button either, did it?

Until an hour ago there was nothing online about these ads. Now, well, this blog post ranks #1 across the board on Google, Yahoo & Bing, resulting in more traffic than my server can handle! Praise God y’all locked me up again!!!

Thanks Bright House!

Sidenote to BHN: I can’t stand your exaggerated service performance claims, condescending customer support, poor quality and lag of your digital phone. In our Florida home, our cable has been choppy for years, and our Internet is moodier than Newt when discussing his ex-wife… I pray for an alternative to Bright House Networks in my home and offices, their services are mediocre at best and should be avoided unless of course you’re a glutton for punishment like I have been for 8 years, and over $12,000.00 out of pocket…  (this is called sticking it to the man… :)

DISTURBING FACT: Some people have way too much time on their hands:

The Yahoo Question:

I live in central Florida and lately there have been these short TV ad spots having some random person (a little girl hanging upside down on monkey bars, a guy making pizza) saying “hello friend”. Then the screen turns blue and there’s a logo that simply says “hellofriend” in white text with some kind of tiny swoosh mark under it.

I tried Googling and came up with pretty much zilch. I’d check Wikipedia, but, ha, SOPA/PIPA protest, so, that’s out (not to mention, the cached snippets that turned up in the Google search didn’t look promising anyway).

Anybody know what these ads are even for? I’m kind of baffled.

My Answer to 100’s of clueless Yahoo users/cable TV buffs:

(quickly moderated & removed by the “Yahoo” who posed the question to begin with)

You Yahoos! These are lead ads for Bright House Networks!

You ppl have WAY too much time on your hands and not nearly enough resourcefulness.

-end of my Yahoo answer

The truth is I can’t help but admit Americans, IMO as a nation have now become slackers… I hate to agree with Obama on this one, but please, give me a break! Talk about underachievers!!!!

And occupying is the solution, how exactly?

Get BOTH the eBook AND Private Label Rights Instantly!!! Resell for Profits or Give Away Free, it's up to You since you own the Rights to this Amazing Work... Download Now!

Here’s an Idea: Why not find ways to monetize areas of your life? I say: Be smart and capitalize on capitalism!!!

He gifted me with Perseverance.

IMO, the intelligence I was blessed with is ultimately a byproduct of perseverance. No one starts out with a brain full of knowledge and intuition. That stuff is first carved-in one’s intellect at a young age, then by God’s will, this gift open doors to opportunities never imagined. My dad beat me senseless as a kid, but he also taught me resourcefulness and perseverance. Quitting & failure are always options, always. It is in failure we are given the chance to grow, and learn.

per·se·vere (verb)
Continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.

I’m just another internet voice. Best advice I can give you is press on, gospel in hand, armed with the breastplate of salvation and a heart full of Glory, ready to be poured out for our Lord, the one who died on the cross so that by faith in Him, you and I can live for all eternity.

For His glory, press on.

Now that your mind has been enriched with, at the very least the answer to your question about the Bright House TV ad, have yourself a BLESSED day in the Lord doing what the bible teaches us to do, and the Spirit guides us to serve.

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106 thoughts on “What Are Those Hello Friend TV Ads?

  1. You must be a troll, but an applause worthy one!

    Everything about this website makes me laugh (You’ve succeeded in doing what you set out to do!) From the cheap middle-school web design to the borderline crazy egotistical rantings of God, you are an amazing troll! I was almost infuriated reading this post but then I was like “Wait.. obvious troll is obvious” HA! You almost had the wool pulled over my eyes, but I see your true intentions now!!

    Even your whole bit about being smarter/better then Americans because you’re French! LOL worthy material right there! It’s funny because America has produced far more inventions, nobel peace prizes, and ground breaking things then France has, but yet you still act as if it isn’t!!

    10/10 good troll, would read again.

    1. Anonymous, you are proving Daniel to be correct. It is “Than Americans,” and “Than France!” Not “Then” as you posted!

      1. That’s why people like that post under monikers like “Anonymous.” They don’t want to be identified as being uneducated and/or partially illiterate.

    2. If this really works and you’re getting these many visitors from search engines, all for free, then hats off my man! Great way to make a living keeping busy right?

    3. Good, solid teaching. It’s unfortunate too few will recognize the immense value in your posts, at the same time charged spiritually and professionally. What I don’t get is, what’s in it for you Daniel? How do you benefit from sharing in this manner, other than financially?

      1. Thanks Jay! My harvest is both here in this life, it’s obvious I’m enjoying God’s plan… And also in heaven, where all I wanna hear is “well done” when I get there. That’s what’s in it for me.

        1. I thought what you said was GREAT, we as Americans always are jelouise of those who are makin money, have a real opion. Dont litten to all to all those fools cause i know were going to heaven, see you there, in the mean time live, love , and enjoy evrything and everyone and give to those in need, we as americans dont care about our neighbors anymore, nor do we even know whom they are? look at the election canadates, there liares, cheats and down right elementry children pointing there fingers at each other instaed of doing what they are running for, to try to change America, but see the damage has been already done, our children see theses adults and listen to these adults acting like children, so we as people emulate what others do, so look at us now and go back to the 70’s and there was a different time but we loved and cared and were honest. our childern see this and also the adults in the election bickering and hiding there money and well they will be just like them, the governor of florida Scott he spent 70 million of his own money to get elected here in florida, why? well he knew he would get his money back and doubble it with his new law to drug test everyone?? well that didnt work out to good, if your not doing anything wrong than give them a sample, no we couldnt do that so lets do it to the less fortunate, well he owns the drug company but he moved it into his wifes name. See until we as americans stop all these lies and deciept and cheaters we will never change. United we stand? devided we fall. God bless you and god bless this world.. Im a small company owner and i have had to let everyone go and now im the mechanic, the accountant, the parts person, you name it, it not the harris or the space center that keep our community alive its the small companies, the banks are not loaning money, but we loaned them money sure BBT paid the money back but they bought sheffield out. The plumber had 8 trucks running now he has one, the lawn mower shop was selling new units every year now he only can sell rebuilt used ones. same as my company only cheap small scooters because this is all people can afford, no more new vespas, piaggio, kymco, adly moto. even Go-ped the best american made product around is having a rough time because they cant compete with the chinese junk look at the things we buy, made in china, tiwan. Even harly davidson opened a factory in china and closed one here/ so much for the american iron hoarse. wall mart owns the largest cargo ship in the world and goes to china and brings back the product it sells in its stores, if mr wally was alive today this would not be the way walmart is run, see companies dont care about there emploies like they did 20-30 years ago, life to day is the ones with money survive…

          1. David, I’m sorry to hear about your struggles. I have great confidence God has a plan for you, and chose you to fulfill this perfect, divinely devised plan. I am blessed to be doing well, but it wasn’t thrown at me overnight, rather all I have been entrusted with took time to build, as it’s being used for His glory. I do have a lot, as such, and because I love and trust my heavenly Father, I give to those in need. In recent years, I’ve opted out of giving to mega churches that invest God’s precious money in questionable outreaches such as a dumb, mime ministry… So I keep it local, and to the point. Quick question… Does your business tithe David?

  2. HI! The little girl in the “Hello Friend” ad, hanging upside down on the monkey bars, is my daughter.I live in North Florida, just outside the BrightHouse service area. I would love to see how the ad turned out. Can you tell me what channel you have seen it on? I have some friends who are going to record it for me, but they havent seen the ad yet. Thanks!!

    1. It’s also on Cartoon Network. I actually just seen it about five minutes ago while my daughter is watching Scooby. :) Cute ad, but it has indeed accomplished the curiosity of many people. Btw, your daughter is adorable.

    2. Actually the ads are getting a lot of airtime so I am sure your friend will be able to tape it for you if they haven’t already. I think I saw it both on Animal Planet and TVLand yesterday afternoon. I should have known it was the cable company,they are probably running them in times and channels when they don’t have a lot of demand for airtime.

      1. That’s right: Animal Planet and TV Land are both channels we watch a fair amount of and see those ads at least a few times daily.

  3. Well said Daniel, I’m a FAN of urs and ur blog from 2day onward. Bold & bald ahah!! We need more ministers of the truth like you… and you’re 100% right about Americans, we’ve become complacent because we have a lame president and selfish leaders elected by morons. I fear we’re doomed in this country!

  4. Dan I’ve looked at your web sites and you in deed seem to be one of the most gifted individuals I’ve heard of. I love your hand stands at Disneyworld with your daughters!! It’s wonderful how you boldly put your Christian faith before the other stuff. I find it sad people don’t have peace within their hearts like believers do. You’re fighting a good fight though, and are very courageous young man. God bless you and your family!

  5. It must be nice being under God’s favor as you seem to be Daniel. Please pray for those among us who are not as fortunate.

      1. A fantastic blessing (the bimmer, and all that goes with it)! Loved reading your blog and all the posts. He is the A and the Z.

        1. Paula, indeed our Lord is everything! Glad you enjoyed the blog, and somewhat surprised you did considering how its meant to be a Shock & Awe type blog… I think this post has the highest bounce rate in history!!!! People hate my blog yippee!!! They hated Him first…

  6. Brilliant Post! Borderline arrogant, but genius never the less. Monetize ourselves huh? Interesting way to put it. I think I’ll ponder over that one a while. Thanks for the nugget.

    1. Kathleen, I’ll take arrogant when backed by brilliant and genius any day! And yes! Monetizing urself is key to maximum velocity in 2012 – Tune in later to find out how I’m cashing in on this blog post…. ;)

  7. You obviously also have too much time on your hands since you took the time to write all this. And I hate to break it to but French is not a place. I guess you got ROBBED in your education along with us Americans.

    1. Julia, I do have a little time to invest in current events and trends such as this one. You see, blogging is one of the many hats I am blessed to wear for God’s glory. Did you by chance notice the layer invitation (popup) mentioning the $20.00 off offer on Surrender, the exclusive PLR package I’m promoting this month? If not, click here to find out more about this exciting Private Label eBook.

      Have a look at the Google Analytics traffic reports showing over 6,500 unique visitors, mainly from Google in reference to the “hellofriend” Bright House ad campaign: and and even

      This is one of the reasons why I enjoy blogging, waking-up one bright sun shinny morning to a ton of cash in my Inbox, thanks to Paypal and of course, courtesy of the Lord Himself…

      All this earthly joy, for dropping a blog post about a bunch of senseless ads that are now scaring people, including young children.

      So I provide an answer, and in some cases peace of mind for free, then somehow God allows me to be showered with financial rewards in spite of the favorable position we’re already in.

      Thanks to a single blog post, I capitalized on just a little over 4,000 visitors the past couple days, people who visited my “hellofriend” post.

      Translate this flow of visitors into a few dozen sales, granted at only $7 each initially that’s only $100 a week, but now at $27, this eBook PLR Package is a no brainer. Trust me, it all adds up!

      Imagine you take 1-2 weeks to add your personal touch to he book. After all, it’s yours, you own the rights to the ebook and its content!

      So, when you have volume 1 ready, strive to sell a few of these a day at only $7.00 each, online on auto-pilot just like me, via your own shopping cart or Paypal. Did you know this translates to about $425.00 a month if you average only 2 Sales a Day? What you need to do is either Blog, or SoNet or just be a virtual voice out there in cyberspace.

      Either way, intelligently devised Private Label endeavors are without a doubt win-win situations I definitely want to continue getting a piece of. And you should too!

      That’s one way I monetize this blog, I write about current events, offer a sweet deal on digital work that educates AND advances the gospel and voila! Residual prosperity, for His glory!

      Now, do you understand why I blog Julia? Because I love to serve God in this way, and He rewards me according to His plan, and divine favor. ;)

  8. You are such an ignorant person. Basing the intelligence of Americans on them not knowing what a commercial was promoting? Take it easy man. Dont be too proud of yourself. You sound so full of yourself when writing these blogs. You really need to stop. Then i can truly have a BLESSED day.

  9. If you’re so intelligent, why do you believe an imaginary man in sky is guiding you through life? I pity you and your ilk.

    1. Jose, you should thank the same God you don’t believe in, that guys like me DO believe and rely on the bible and Christ’ church for guidance, instead of allowing our sinful nature to take over… which often leads to Bozos going postal on co-workers or complete strangers with semi-automatic weapons!!! Thank God Jose!

      HE’s got a plan for you too, and I get the feeling you may be ready to start making better choices…

      God is waiting to hear from you Jose, I’m just a messenger, HE LOVES YOU and HE wants you to succeed and THRIVE for HIS glory… What are you waiting for?

      1. Daniel…keep up the great work in praising the Lord! I strive each day to become more faithful and closer to God. When I read posts such as yours it takes me closer there. Thank you.

        1. Jacob, I didn’t mean to rain on your parade with this joy filled blog or my faith in the Lord Jesus, the Christ.

          God knows I’m here to edify and lift people up, and have very little time to dwell in darkness, sadness or misery where I discern you invest your time, energy and passion.

          Without God in your life Jacob, or a relationship with His son Yeshua, you are HEADED FOR HELL where we all deserve to BURN for ETERNITY.

          I can almost hear the piercing screams of pure agony, the gnashing of teeth and smell of burning flesh. Ouch!

          If I were you, TODAY, I would go to God Jacob. Just you, and Him. I KNOW He’s been waiting to hear from you…

        1. Hey Willie, you can sure try with that kind of attitude, but ultimately, prosperity is up to Yahweh.

          You can’t worship 2 gods, either you choose greed and money, which lead to destruction, or make the right choice and stand with AND for God. In turn, I know He will rewards you, either here in this life, or surely in the next.

      2. I imagine that in your world, your “god” has also made those bozos do what they do. So, where’s your “god”‘s guidance there?…Oh, wait, don’t tell me….it’s probably also his plan to kill people, rape people, murder children, cause mass genocide, create cancer and disease, support homelessness, orchestrate global meltdown, support the extinction of thousands of species, and on and on and on. “god” has a plan? mmm-hmmm….”god” is as big a nutbag as you are. However, if your alternate world makes you treat people better, then more power to you.

  10. I vote for arrogant and brilliant both, together in harmony for God’s glory indeed. The idea to provide an answer to a Yahoo question, and earn revenue in the process selling green digital products, now makes perfect sense. It’s so easy when you think about it! Not to take away from the quality of the information I found on this page Daniel. But if I buy your ebook, and give it some southern flair, you know, then every ebook I sell, on eBay or Amazon Kindle, I own you nothing? So this isn’t like an affiliate program or system? If I get you right, for $7.00 I own the rights to the book, and there’s no other charge. If this is legit, I know a ton of places I can sell some ebooks online maybe you and me should be partners! Thanks for the posting, never mind them haters, there’s always people that focus on jealousy instead of the things possible through God like you said. They don’t have time for a relationship with Jesus, too busy hatin.

  11. So, so true! Americans are now getting a taste of what the Romans and Mayans went through as a civilization, and now the US is facing self-induced inhalation. Wanted freedom of speech? You got it! Want houses and companies you can’t afford? No problem! Charge ’em! Uncle Sam is to blame, not this guy trying to shake up the lame among you. Do you not realize what this guy is trying to do here?

    1. Ricky, sorry, but no can do. Christ is my light and my savior. Besides, His word never returns void!

      And who exactly do-I want to take me seriously? You perhaps?

      Really now?

      Got a mirror Ricky? Better yet, got a wallet? Oh wait! Here’s one even more important! Do you have HOPE Ricky? Because without hope, the other two really don’t matter…

      It bugs you that I have hope, and joy, and well, prosperity. It kills people like you that someone can be both a disciple of Jesus Christ AND more successful than you, often in your own market. I am despised by most secular Internet Marketers not only because I am Christian, but because I achieve higher velocity without breaking the law, or ethical rules.

      I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for underachievers to land on my blog and realize their lives, focused on power and greed led them to the level of mediocrity they soak in every single day.

      I can help you Ricky, but you’re probably too proud to admit your ignorance, or too dumb to recognize a good thing when you see one. Which is it?

  12. Genius! Until this very second blogging NEVER MADE SENSE TO ME. But Daniel, you put it easily for people like me to understand. I get it now. A) Start a Blog B) Be Current and Entertaining C) Cash in on free Traffic, right?

  13. Confusing ads. Same color scheme as amazon. Also amazon uses the smiley face character under its name. Poor ads no matter how you slice it.

  14. Daniel, would you not consider this cyber squatting on someone else’s exposure?

    Loved your comments about Brighthouse, they are funny and spot on. However, I am reluctant to change to the competition. The new “Big Blue” is AT&T. They are taking over the cells, DSL, TV, and land lines. Pretty soon a dispute over a few late payments and Big Blue can ruin your credit and your life. They already now stick huge LATE CHARGES on everything…AT&T shouldnt be allowed billions in late charges for customers occasionally being a date late on the phone bills they need to live!

    1. Mike, are you mad? How is writing about current events, or a TV commercial squatting? If I’m squatting on Bright House Networks, then every single news media, every reporter alive is a squatter also! All I’m doing here Mike is making a reference…

      As for AT&T taking over communications, don’t get me started on Big Blue!!! AT&T is another monopoly I count myself blessed to have terminated ALL relationships with after 10 years of mediocre customer service, countless dropped calls and over priced services.

  15. You’re such a brat! But this is hilarious!!! I love that you include God and praise Him in everything you do! My dad is a new-ish Pastor working on sermons that he would love to get out there and be read. He doesn’t have a lot of money but he payed some Trendy website to create his own website to post his sermons and have a prayer chain link and whatnot. His writings are a bit edgier or “new age” and he has an attitude very similar to yours :) but he’s read and studied the King James Bible fowards and backwards many times, as well as every companion bible you could think of. He’s such a wonderful man and I hope and pray the best for him! Any really good free blogging sites or Advice and ideas on how to spread the word and get his sermons out there? He’s not looking to get rich off it. And he’s not sure how to work his way up to being behind a pulpit to preach the word, which is why he’s trying out the website. Thank you!!! <3

  16. i find it hard to believe you do all these things like photography and web design, and this blog and ministry work on the beach and disney world. but if it’s true then your God loves you because its amazing all those ways you express yourself as an artist and a businessman.

    1. Hey Joebob! That’s a rockin all American name! And yes, you got me on the ego, there’s my sin. You won’t find booze in my house, other than Liz’s red wine. Won’t catch me in a lie either, I know HE’s watching. No coveting, I married a gorgeous woman and trained myself to steer clear of eye candy. Don’t curse anymore either, though my Jerusalem would find it hard to believe I no longer use profanity to empower my position.

      All fall short Joebob, including yours truly. But, His work in me is not yet complete, or I wouldn’t be here now would I?

      As for bashing the US, I worked over 30 years for my American Dream, and am not about to let it become a nightmare. I love this country, just not the slackers that prey and leech on tax payers.

      1. I really appreciate how you take advantage of BHN or their client, since they, Bright House Networks seemingly have no interest in the viral value of their advertising campaign… Very creative of you Daniel, tres unique!

    1. LOL Talk about too little, too late!!!!

      Chris, Bright House Networks is among the worst cable companies I ever interacted with as a professional, from the countless job offers you extended over the years, to the mediocre quality and choppiness of your cable television and high speed internet services, and that’s not considering all the freebies and golden nuggets I dropped during meetings since 2008. Until recently, you had the upper hand. But not anymore…… :)

      Chris, did you by chance read this very popular post:

      1. Yeah, your ranting on Verizon vs Brighthouse is so compelling. The problem is you’re so into your blog that you don’t educate yourself on how to properly use your digital service from BHN. Maybe some rabbit ears, a dial up connection and a $10 per month bill would make you happier??? Oh that’s right, with your useless blog a dial up connection would not be sufficient enough to get your idiotic message about BHN out to the masses. Give me a break. You’re a loser who switches providers to save $3 per month just like the loser co-worker who switches jobs for the 25 cent raise and points fingers the whole time while saying “Not My Fault, Not My Fault, Not My Fault”. Good riddens!

        1. I checked out your photography, not bad at all! Hey how long have you been mixing blogging and other stuff like photography and public speaking?

  17. Daniel, you’re sooooo right about Bright House Internet. Mine is so unpredictable!!! I have a question, do you offer coaching of sorts for new bloggers? If so please reply using my email or kindly reply on your blog? It’s lovely by the way, your blog. A little too edgy for my personal taste, but inspiring never the less.

  18. Please explain how you profit from people coming to this website from Google? How did you get above Yahoo on Google for the same keywords?

    1. Deena, Here’s how I do it.
      A) I write an Article about current events/popular trends
      B) I choose a Deal(s) to offer my visitors
      C) I engage in Conversations within each Article/Blog Post
      D) I submit the new Article/Blog Post to Google for Indexing
      E) I sit back & watch the flood of Free Traffic flow from Google
      F) Finally, I check my Inbox for loads of Paypal cash!

      Blogging isn’t complicated, PEOPLE ARE!

      The #1 reason why people who need more $$$ don’t blog: They’re LAZY!!!

      With this is mind…… To blog or not to blog, now THAT is the question!

  19. I agree and I disagree. The bottom line here is Bright House. Daniel is the messenger, albeit fantastically gifted, he’s only a messenger. Too many judge the messenger, when in fact it’s the culprit we should be after. Daniel didn’t put out the ads, but he is factually brilliant enough to capitalize on their popularity. We should praise such a man capable of taking on companies such as Bright House and sticking it to them using their own money and resources. WTG Daniel!!!

    1. Amy, yeah, those are Grace’s shots (she was 6 at the time :)

      Our ministry stretches from the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, to crashing waves of the Atlantic beaches, and a few spots in between such as Disney World, the Tampa Zoo, MOSI, the Tampa Aquarium, Botanical Gardens, Heritage Village and a few others.

      We advance the gospel of Jesus Christ via our behaviors which we model after our Lord Himself, as well as scripture inspired t-shirts, Christian tracts (like $50 bills) and even music CDs.

      My family and I are truly undeserving, and blessed to call this tropical playground our mission field. How are you called to serve?

  20. I downloaded the 6500 articles and the ping list, Im so glad this is for real. Ppl this is for real, dunno if the ping list works but its huge!!!!! Thanks Deniel

  21. Its too bad I cant afford a G-note for coaching otherwise Id hire you Mr. StPierre. Im very impressed how you simple you break down your blogging system. Thanx for a very refreshing blog.

  22. Dumb ppl dont even know you’re talking to them trying to teach them sumtin!!! they just keep ranting!!! I bet they think theyre hurting you when theyre only doing your leg work right? ah ah this is great!!

  23. You’re sure a glutton for punishment! But I’m with you when it comes to public opinion, who cares what the world thinks of us, as long as we remember it’s all for His glory right?

  24. I was a little confused until I saw the Brighthouse Networks brand colors. White, Blue and Yellow(gold). I think its pretty interesting because its a simple friendly greeting to brighthouse customers and I appreciate it. It does have a little buzz going and that good advertising.


  26. If these wonderful ads get the people in this country to just stop and think how they treat each other and improve on that, the commercials will be worth every penny that is spent on them!

  27. god is fake and made up ! not real just like when parents tell their kids santa is real. same thing a bunch of brainwashed people around the world everyone would be better off if religion was never invented!

  28. I have seen the Hello Friend on TV and on bulletin boards, and wanted to find out what it was all about and I’m glad I did what a wonderful way to get your word out thank You and may god bless You just keep spreading the word. I will check your page often and let everyone I know what that silly commercial is . Thank You Linda

  29. this is so hilarious! brightouse is paying to be bashed on the net! and this guy gets rich off the same ads! gotta love america!

  30. May God’s favor continue to find you Daniel and flow from you through this web blog. I felt God’s presence here and will look forward to visiting again very soon.

  31. i had tried finding out what the hello friend ads were several weeks ago and alot of the people complaining about the commercials didnt have brighthouse in their area so why is brighthouse advertising where they don’t exists?

  32. Superb example how to take advantage of OPM, here Bright House takes a hard hit, the gospel is preached and Daniel gets rich! That’s America at its best!…

  33. I had to scroll through all of your useless self absorbed ranting to find out you really did not have the answer, other than “Bright House” which is what everyone else is writing. Please understand your life is without any meaning and you are not in any way important or enlightening.

    Have a good day.

  34. ROFL!!!!!! Daniel you’re NUTS!!!!! I can’t believe you called brighthouse up and layed on the french accent!!!!! Dats the funniest thing I heard in a while man. WTG!!!

  35. Very good points, why not turn the tables on the media like Dan says, and find fun ways to rake in a few bucks here & there? I say well done mr StPierre!!

  36. Amazingly well put! A troll for God, now that’s funny! I’d rather too, be a troll for God, than a diva for Satan. I’m on God & Daniel’s team!

  37. Nice HD video piece on YouTube Daniel! If you don’t mind the curiosity of an ignorant old man, how do you create those HD Hello Friend ads that match Brighthouse’s so closely? The diversity of your work just blows my mind by the way. I’m seeing the world wide web in an entire new light now, thanks to you, this weblog and Brighthouse!!

    1. Freddy, thx for encouraging words. I use Adobe Premiere Pro/PC and export to full frames AVI uncompressed. Output is well within YT limits & streaming range. I wish I spent a little more time researching the BHN font b4 exporting, however our Lord has me focused on another crucial project these days… God is good! MySQL is bad. ;)

  38. My friend, YOU NAILED IT! Indeed it was Bright House Networks that today (2/20/12) has revealed the Hello Friend ads and a message telling “We’re not just your Cable TV Company, but more than a friend! A friend that has been there in good times and bad times…” Really Bright House? Really! The ads appeared on the Orlando/Tampa Markets. I also believe they are running in Indianapolis, Detroit, Birmingham and Bakersfield. God Bless!

  39. A very educative post about Brighthouse that indeed revamps my perception on the competition. Thank you for helping by sharing, and posting such cool stuff.

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