The Cybergenica Blog

TGIM – I Stung Myself!

Another glorious week begins in the sunshine state, temperatures are cooling off if only for a short time, praise God! Today on the dawn of a new week, I made an attempt at bravery which which on the surface seemed heroic. The fact of the matter is I stung my sorry heroic self with a wasp!

Here I am, chivalrously swinging our front door open for my daughters and wife to make their way through the door, pushing a jogging stroller, when following them was a huge wasp. Without thinking (all things considered, this was my first mistake, not thinking) I lunged forward and side kicked the wasp whilst flying in mid air.

I didn’t so much hit the insect as much as slapped it with the top of my foot. The force of the impact propelled the wasp about 10 feet before it vanished, possibly to regroup and plan a retaliation of sorts. Never the less, I had displayed courage AND ability to protect my beloved family.

The Flip Side

On the flip wide, the force of the impact and more importantly the location of the blow was inevitably mistake #2. In tune with my teaching character I walloped the wasp right in its behind where coincidentally in this case, my bare foot found a stinger.

So now the top of my foot is throbbing and red and swollen and I want my mommy.

Is is hot in here or is it just me?

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