The Cybergenica Blog

Was St-Valentine Gay?

Happy Valentine’s Day! Did you enjoy the subject line of this post? Catchy, ain’t it?

Of course, I’m referring to the fact the cupid saint (read more) was indeed a “happy” fellow, going around pouring out God’s love onto those in need, specially Christian couples which he married against the law.

Call me homophobic, but the thought of yet another Catholic priest experiencing same sex attraction makes my stomach turn. It’s no wonder God is more disgusted and angered by sexual sin than any other transgression against Him of His word. It’s just soooo wrong…

One question people keep asking me is: Can Gays Go To Heaven?

The answer is actually simpler than most people imagine. Of course gays can be saved from the wages of their sin! The bible teaches us that by faith, all sinners, including homosexuals can inherit a place in the kingdom of God.

Now there’s a catch here…

Since there’s no sin in Heaven, there’s not going to be any gay sex in the Kingdom of God which takes us to the point where repentance is involved. Sinners, including liars, thieves, adulterers, drunks and homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God, but it is those who repent of their sin and by their faith and devotion to Jesus, allow their sin to be washed away by the blood of Christ who are promised a place in the most glorious of places, the Kingdom of God.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! ;)

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7 thoughts on “Was St-Valentine Gay?

  1. Gays can’t go to heaven because they’re gay, don’t you know what gay people do behind closed doors? They don’t just kiss and hug. Gays engage in weird sex that’s not natural. Think about it for a minute…. Gross! Imagine two gay men getting it on…. add chains, hand cuffs, leather outfits, piercings and drugs and you have a recipe for debauch and decadence. Such filth has no place in heaven!

    1. Freddy, let he who is without sin cast the first stone on this one… Gays, like liars, thieves and even divorced ppl have no less right to eternal life in Heaven than a church pastor. Heaven isn’t pillared on merit, but on faith! I’ll agree, the repulsive notion of gay intercourse makes me gag, but the word teaches us that whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. This includes homosexuals.

      Gays get to choose too Freddy, just like you and I. Either sin, death and Hell, or faith, redemption and Heaven. Ultimately, it all boils down to a simple choice, with eternal consequences…

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