The Cybergenica Blog

My Top Networking Partners, my Wife and Children.

Surf the internet long enough and you will be enriched with countless advice meant to help marriages survive unemployment. The truth of the matter is the only thing that can save a marriage is God. His will is perfect, let me demonstrate…

A contractor found himself without sufficient work to continue providing for his family. For the first time in 15 years, “Joe” found himself in a very dark place. It hurts just thinking about such a place, one I certainly have been to many times.

For months Joe attended networking meetings. For months he wrote and rewrote his resume, cover letters and 30 second elevator speeches. For months he spent countless hours in front of the computer searching for work.

Once or twice a week Joe shared he would “get an ear full from my lovely wife” in an attempt to motivate him. “She was no motivational speaker if you know what I mean.”

Turns out Joe’s wife was actually a very nice woman, well liked and very popular within her Texas based Baptist church. She spent over 30 hours a week at church teaching bible study classes, leading high-school worship band and involved in all aspects of marketing, publishing and online presence. In theory she would have been a perfect candidate to promote Joe, her husband and head of their family.

The Problem is She Didn’t. Ever.

There’s a problem alright. No one knows YOU best, even though more on a personal level than professional. The main reason why people seldom promote their spouse is lack of tools. That’s right! Not courage, or pride, but plain ignorance!

To help turn your raging spouse into your #1 Networking Partner, here are 5 ABSOLUTES THEY MUST HAVE:

1. Carry a Minimum 3 of Your Business Cards

2. Know Exactly What You Do for a Living (Previous Position, Role, Companies, Etc.)

3. Have Your Cell Number and Email Address Memorized

4. Conduct/Partake in Daily Meeting with You (Short & Sweet, Accountability, Etc.)

5. Share 1 Daily Kiss (Passion Recommended)

Joe’s wife, Jane was now confidently equipped to go out and talk about her wonderful husband who’s looking for work. Both their daughters, Janet and June caught someone’s attention in the lobby at church. Both their shirts read on the front “My Daddy is Looking for Work” and on the back “He’s in Advertising!”

After good laugh the man, coincidentally the owner of the land the church laid on had been looking for fresh ideas for his real estate billboards. Frank found Jane and her children…

“What does your husband do miss Doe?” asks Frank. Jane replies “He’s a creative director, used to work for Disney but after he was saved, he went on to work with more faith driven companies. A couple months back he lost a big contract, now he’s looking for opportunities in advertising where he feels blessed to serve the Lord. I got his card riiiiiiight here. There! Check out his website, did it himself, trust me it’s a keeper!”

By 10:00am the nest day Joe was working. He’s still working, for Frank and for the Lord.

Never underestimate the power of God and His plan for your life. Your spouse and children should be considered TOP networking partners in any job or work seeking endeavor.

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