The Cybergenica Blog

Is Steve Jobs in Hell?

IMO yes, I’m sorry to say, but I do discern the man hailed as “having changed the world” and “link between man and machine” is likely to be sitting in hell, where his brilliance will burn among a lost society for all eternity. I fear Steve Jobs, because he renounced Yeshua, the savior, will scream in agony for EVER! But he’s got kids, what about them? And their children?

Q. How could a perfect, all loving God allow for sinful though otherwise generous, kind, loving men be thrown into the lake of fire, along side all that is evil?
A. God wouldn’t send Steve Jobs to hell, the Buddhist Apple CEO was headed there all by himself while among the living!

Is Steve Jobs is Hell?If you didn’t already know, there is only 1 way to heaven; through Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind. Period. To believe otherwise is gambling with eternal life.

I believe Steve Jobs, in his finite wisdom missed out on his life’s mission. Yes, to countless Christians and I, one of the most intelligent, creative minds of modern times was actually a complete spiritual buffoon.

You see, Jobs was a Buddhist.


Answer this 1 question, for your own benefit, not mine… Where is Steve now?

Statistically, unless you’re an Atheist choosing not to believe in a higher power because it suits your lifestyle, there are only 2 possible answers to the question.

  1. Steve Jobs is in Heaven rejoicing with God for all eternity
  2. Steve Jobs is in Hell with Satan in agony forever

The choice is ours to make, either to believe in a Creator and His begotten Son, and be saved from the wages of sin, which is death, or we can also choose not to believe.

Do not be fooled. Though God’s love is indeed unconditional, His judgment is not!

Don’t end up like Steve Jobs, a mortal witness that spread a worldly message that will continue to resonate online for decades to come. Though his technology certainly did help advance the gospel, Steve himself did not.

It’s unfortunate Steve chose money over Yahweh…  What will YOU be remembered by?

Make no mistake, your faith is not only important to you, it’s important to God. My hope for you is you will be remembered as a faithful servant of the Lord, and that there will be NO DOUBT you were in Christ, and zero doubt you are headed to heaven.

Based on the truth, heaven is not the place for good people, it’s the place for God’s people. It truly saddens me that I have doubts about Steve’s faith and final resting place… but thanks for the iPhone Stevo, seriously genius dude!

Typed on Trinity’s iPod ;)

PS You don’t have to end up in hell. God loves you. He’s been waiting to hear from you. Now might be a good time to say hi, and thank you…

“Lord Father in Heaven, I praise your Holy name, and surrender my life to you, and your glorious son Yeshua, the Christ who lived a perfect life among an imperfect world, was tempted but resisted temptation all the way to His death on the cross, where He delivered me for my sin, then fulfilled prophecy on the third day when He was risen from the dead, in human flesh then onto eternal life, where He holds a place for me. Father forgive me of my sins, and lift me from the fall I’ve taken. Guide my footsteps Lord, I believe in you and put my faith in you from this day forward. I am yours Father. Amen!”

From this point on, you will never be alone again. Reach out to a local spiritual leader now, and tell him God has got a plan for your life, and you want to talk to someone about it…

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70 thoughts on “Is Steve Jobs in Hell?

  1. If You believe in God and that He sent his Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sins, and you die , if it is the truth, look what you have gained. If you don’t believe and you die and it is the truth, look what you have lost. Be smart don’t take the chance that you might be wrong.

  2. Wow. I didn’t know there were such remarkable death experts like you. This is incredible knowledge you possess. I mean, it appears you’ve done your research and discovered that in fact, the ‘hell’ you describe, was actually a huge translation error. But then, you’d know that if you had done your research, wouldn’t you. You probably feel really good knowing that God hates the same people you do, huh? What an awesome God! In fact, he’s so awesome, that he created an entire human race capable of showing more compassion and forgiveness than he himself is capable of—and all because of just a few simple ‘human’ errors…like translations…and of course, people, like you who post stupid religious musing before they even have a clue about what they’re talking about. I doubt this post will make the light of day, but who knows. Hopefully, you’ll have enough life experiences to convince you of you’re prideful, judgmental, self-righteousness one day.

    1. JB, I am not an expert on death, only a student of the truth, the word of God which clearly teaches us that salvation comes by faith in Yeshua, in the Christ, and that deeds in His name are counted as rewards. Steve Jobs had one of the largest stages in history to preach from, and HE chose to promote anything BUT God. I appreciated Steve more than you’ll ever know, and the technology he rooted that’s allowed me to be blessed beyond my deserving, hence my desire to give back, to teach. I have witnessed thousands of hits on my blog from people looking for answers about the Apple CEO and his after life… Answer this question JB, will your peers be as puzzled about your eternal life?

  3. Daniel,

    You are correct about Steve Jobs. I wish it were not so. The Bible is, however, very clear. We humans tend to compare ourselves with the Hitlers and Stalins of the world and think that we’re good. We have such a low view of God and an unbelievably high view of ourselves.

    Michael Todd

    1. Michael, same here, loved Steve, felt empowered by his countless speeches, but continued to pray he would use his platform to lead people to Christ. Imagine his wife or one of his kids sharing that on his death bed, as he faced death and eternal darkness and suffering, that Steve Jobs in his last breath accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord and savior, and surrendered control of his failing body to God. Can you imagine the impact this would have on the world? Ironic how a single testimony of this magnitude would have a more significant impact than all the technology Steve was a part of…..

  4. Your absolute WORST testimony for Christ is to post what you’ve done here. You presume to know a person’s heart and assume that because you dont here certain WORDS, that Christ’s love isn’t being expressed. You presume to know a person’s destiny, because you didn’t hear those ‘special words’ that YOU think get you into heaven. And you seriously need to do your research before you assume that the translation your using is accurate.

    Dude, get a grip. Jesus never told anyone his name and never said the words ‘ I love you’. So unless you’re practicing witchcraft, you need to THINK before you post something this ignorant on the net for people to see. It has no redemptive value and you’re apparently only trying to make yourself sound higher and spiritual, when in fact, you really dont seem to have a clue about what Jesus taught and how he loved.

    1. JB, I fear for your soul and that of the people you influence, like someone I used to know but now he’s dead and can never undo what he did – NEVER.

      As for the numerous translations I study in English, French, Greek and Hebrew scriptures, the following teaches us the same message in all languages I have read: That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

      Why do you choose to DENY Yeshua is LORD? Why gamble with eternal life? What you need to do is get off the couch, get off blogs like this one then believe, repent and serve as Christ did, with love (agape). I loved Steve, and love my Apple gadgets. But my love is stronger for Yeshua, for those in His light and, for the lost guided here by the glorious hand of God… So if you don’t mind, I’ll keep writing if that’s ok with you? ;)

  5. Wow. Seriously? THIS is what turns people off to God. You hide behind your bible verses while in practice you show your own disbelief. You attempt to elevate yourself with your knowledge of a 2000 year old translates document, live more for the words of Paul that the actions of Christ, and then make false accusations because you didn’t get to hear the words that you think prove someone’s eternal status. Have you ever met Steve Jobs? Your assumptions about his life seem to be about as shallow as your relationship with Christ. You’ve created a God from parchment, incapable of doing anything outside of what you read. You’ve limited your own god by your assumptions that everything written about men’s experience in the bible was all there was to know. You’ve created a god that can’t forgive 70 x7 simply because a guy named paul wrote a few letters that got canonized and called ‘God’s Word’.

    The irony is, while the bible actually doesn’t speak of hell, like you assume, you’ve creates your own hell

    1. JB, you’re sounding a bit upset, is it because I’m better looking than you? LOL

      Why are you condemning me for something Steve Jobs did on his own?

      Dude, here’s one phenomenal reason why you should spend more time in the word: my own transformation.

      15 years ago, before I was saved by faith in Yeshua, I was a dangerous, violent man with an dark, selfish agenda. I was lost. Today, found in Christ, I am on my knees praying for your soul. Not quite a miracle, but a testimony to the power and strength found in the holy word of God.

      Hell is a real place. The bible is full of warnings against the place where there’s “gnashing of teeth” and eternal agony. The word “hell” as you may know derives from the Hebrew term “sheol” (dark place in the ground) and “hades,” Greek for, well, the lake of fire or……HELL!

      Look it up:
      2nd Samuel 22:6
      Job 26:6
      Psalm 9:17
      Psalm 16:10
      Psalm 55:15
      Psalm 139:8
      Proverbs 15:24
      Proverbs 27:20
      Isaiah 14:15
      Ezekiel 32:27

      On the flip side, through the same pen of the apostle Paul (and countless others), the word of God also teaches us about Heaven. See

      Say what you want about the bible, but remember, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” Mark 3:29

  6. If God requires that we have to know Jesus just to go to heaven, then %$& on heaven. If God is that big of a jerk, then hell isn’t so bad. God must have a bigger heart than that. If He is the supreme being, he is bigger than ridiculous dogmatic requirements. Only a true God can know people’s hearts and minds. It is wrong for anyone to presume where Steve is now. What we believe doesn’t mean anything. God’s grace is bigger than our simple minded convictions.

  7. P.S. The Bible is overrated, and poorly written at that. Some of the nonsense in the Bible, particularly the rubbish in the Old Testament, should go through the shredder. It is child abuse to expose your children to some of that crap.

  8. Hey JB you sound so angry and frustrated, exactly the opposite of Christianity. I bet Daniel is your competitor, or maybe you dont work or have a job and hate on ppl like him that are successful Christians. I think youre a jealous coward.

  9. JB I’d be nice to Dan if I were you, the guy is a giver. Also I’d refrain from threatening his family, Liz is real protective, owns her own 20 gauge shotgun which she handles real well for a blonde, and she’s trained to aim for the face so…. :)

  10. Hi Daniel,

    I agree-Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I do have one issue with site. I feel the drawing of Steve Jobs burning in hell is in very poor taste and not something the Lord would want us to flaunt or celebrate in.

    We don’t know if he had a deathbed conversion or not? only the Almighty knows? so lets be careful we don’t go celebrating anyone’s damnation unless we are there and here it from their lips. Even then…we need to be humble and loving in the way we approach this.

    Colossians 4:6- Let your conversations be always full of grace, and seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Salt-makes them thirsty for more! Not a Blow torch-that blows them away from the gospel.

    We need to win them to Christ by our love and what Christ offers them through eternal life….

    1. Mat, you’re so right on… We prayed and debated before putting feet to my vision re. Stevo burning in iPhone, then I dug deep looked passed the hatred and persecution such a shocking graphic could generate.

      The world hated Him first, now me.

      Luke wrote about Hades, chapter 16 if I recall . Should his depiction of hell be softened as well? Or deleted all together? Would that suit, or sooth you Matthew?

  11. Seriously? “Hated and persecution”? It’s hatred to question your interpretation? Dude, you have a serious persecution complex. And, your “call-out” of JB sounds contrived to me. It just don’t pass the smell test.

    Moving along, neither Sheol NOR Hades EVER meant “Lake of Fire”.

    Additionally, I think you WANT people like Steve Jobs (AND JB) to roast in Hell for all eternity. I’m just glad you’ll never be MY judge.

    I know see this as an exercise in futility, as you’ll not post this along with every other comment I’ve made.

    1. Jeff, sorry your other comment did not get approved. I am swamped with comments from this and other blogs, most of which are indeed more hateful than you even care to imagine. See Perhaps your comment was perceived as profane, or an attack of sorts.

      Re. Lake of Fire, I’m not making stuff up, just Google it, it’s in the word dude and should be used as a source of motivation in itself.

      Re. my desire for sinners to burn in hell, well, I can think of a few people I would like to see visit hell for a bit, Stevo wasn’t one of them.

      So there, I approved your comment for the world to read, happy now? Maybe now that you’re published for thousands of people to read you can fetch me a sub and a Mountain Dew, I’m starvin!

  12. Hi Daniel,

    I think it would be better not having it there. If you met your new neighbor for the first time, I think Jesus would want us to invite them over have dinner with them and build a friendship.
    I don’t think the first thing I would do is show them a picture of someone buying in hell?
    We need to win them with the love of Christ and the need for forgiveness.

    Most people believe there is a hell and don’t want to go there.. they just think only the worst go there…we need to show them that all of us deserve it and the only escape is excepting Jesus death on the Cross.

    My wife’s great grandfather worked with Pentecostal Missionaries in 1930’s-1950 in India. They way they covered some many Hindus to Christianity was first help feed them in the name of Christ.. built christ centered schools, homes for Orphans, and hospitals to care for their needs…the effect was many converts to Christ and revival through the villages. They saw that Jesus Christ offered Hope,Peace,freedom from bondage of sin and eternal life…
    His Book- From Gross Darkness..To Glorious Light. A. G. Danielson 1960
    We have a ripe harvest out there looking for the Truth! As my Pastor Rick Warren says- people don’t care how much you know…they care how much you care -Win them to Christ with our Love. For God did not send is Son to condemned the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17

    1. Matthew, you make phenomenal points. I agree with you as to the various channels used by God to reach His children. This is mine.

      Re. Rick Warren, it was he that lead me to salvation in October, 2000 @ Saddleback, during my first visit to a protestant church. Though I will always be grateful for Rick, I no longer appreciate his lukewarm preaching. He’s flirting with blasphemy and afraid to take a side. Next in line of no-no’s is his concept of a joint Islam-Christianity cult.

      Be careful what you hear or read Matthew, and what you’re preached at church, only the holy word of God is true. Everything else, including this blog should only be used as forums where discussions reveal the true essence of Yahweh, which is love.

  13. Well said Daniel, keep up the good work (we love your blog, photos and the transparency you fearlessly put out). One small thing I don’t quite understand, why do you spend your time and energy engaging such rude people? Why even list their comments?

    1. JJ, this post isn’t about the words themselves, or even hell for that matter, this post is about life, this one AND the next. Steve said it best, life is short. I choose a purpose driven life over death, light over darkness, love over hate, forgiveness over bitterness (ok I struggle a bit with that one ;) I believe in hell, and do not want to end up there. But it’s my faith that will save me from eternal agony in hell, not fear or works.

  14. Thank you so much for this Daniel. I totally agree. This needs to be posted so others can see how much we need Jesus! I hope and pray that you will continue using your gifts for God’s kingdom! I’m so sorry that so many people will one day meet their doom just like Steve. It saddens me to think that so many are in this condition. I can only hope that this blog will reach the multitudes and others will turn from their evil ways. It hurts me to see people like JB and Jeff who just dont understand where their lives are headed. I am praying for them and I know you are too! Keep up the good work, Daniel! Blessings!

    1. Thank you Martha. I give you my word, I will strive to keep advancing the gospel until my very last breath. There no end to the path I am on, only blessings and rewards. I thank God for JB and Jeff, and dozens of others who so aggressively attack my faith and character, without knowing it they have made me stronger and even more confident in this endeavor to reveal the truth about mortal life, meant to serve our Creator, and eternal life where believers will rejoice with God for all time.

  15. Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might, Daniel. God is with you. There’s no reason to back down at all. We know our destiny and our reward is waiting for us in Heaven after we endure the attacks of the enemy. I’m just so thankful I came across this blog. I look forward to reading more great posts!

  16. At least overcrowding is not an issue in heaven. 2/3 of the world’s 6 billion population are Muslims, Taoist, Buddhist, Hindus, etc and won’t be heading there anytime soon.

  17. God sent me to help all of you.
    I want you to think about what I am teaching.
    No 1: You all say that we must wait for the Kingdom of God to come, where God will send some to hell and some souls to Heaven. How is it it possible for this man to be in hell before God’s return? No2. When a person leaves the fleshly body to go to go to Heaven or hell; they are in spiritual form and not in flesh. a Spirit is able to move through the sun without feeling the heat. What does hell look like then??? The Christians better wake up.
    I have been in heaven and hell. These scary stories the people spread to make money from Christianity has to stop.
    I have been instructed by God to open the path to Heaven for all the true seekers. God is using me to write his books of codes. I have completed 2 books to teach all the Christians who and what God, Christ, Heaven, hell, satan and what the true message in the Bible really is all about. “The secret to God’s light” and “The Secret of the unknown God” will teach you all the basics about the true Christ our Lord.
    Luke 17. The Kingdom of God is within you. Get away from the stars; there is no God above the stars; I will prove it to the world through Christ.
    I am solely speaking to those who are my brothers and sisters in Christ. People who want to learn the truth are welcome to learn.
    But, I want to bring a warning to all the Christians. Matthew 6:33. Seek he my Kingdom. God will not tell us to seek His Kingdom if it was not possible to be found by us.
    When you leave the body, and you do not know where to Find God; it will be to late. Seek God; He is with us. I will lead you to Him.
    God Bless.

  18. NOw that’s how you do it! That image is worth tons more than 1,000 words… ouch! Looks like hell didn’t quite freeze over like Steve claimed huh? WTG you have my support MR. Pierre.

  19. We dont know steve jobs in his personal life, but one thing i know for sure about him. If he has accepted christ as he’s personal savior. hes now in heaven, but if he have’nt then its too late for him. we can only tell people who are now living in planet earth that, God put people in hell upon those who rejected his son in fact, god didnt put them in hell they send themselves in hell.(this seems harsh, but my motive is to help you keep an open mind please.) God cannot contradict his own doctrine and it is final, done 2000 years ago. i believe steve is a good man but being good is not enough you got to have jesus in your life. this is just the way afterlife works, if you havent accepted God as your personal savior and you want him to be in your life. say “Lord i am a sinner, i acknowledge i have sinned and done what is evil in your eyes, i believed you die on the cross and lay down your life for me to be forgiven, believing God the father raise you up on the 3rd day, i come to you by faith thanking you today and the rest of eternity for the price you pay for my sins. amen!”

  20. The Bible says that it is appointed unto a man once to die and after this the judgement. Who says that the judgement is harsh? the Bible does not say after this a person receives a harsh judgement. We’ve only made the assumption that without Jesus it is harsh. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. Read more at Steve Jobs in Hell?

  21. No! It’s Society’s (and your) idea of who we “think” Steve Jobs is that’s burning in Hell. You have absolutely NO idea where his soul’s at so quit trying to act like you do.

  22. The Bible says that Steve Jobs is burning in hell and anyone that says otherwise is in grave danger of heading to the same place. REPENT of your sins and BOW before the LORD. If you RESIST JESUS you will BURN TOO. If you ACCEPT JESUS, you have a chance at a full, joy filled, rewarding life. The road to salvation starts with a PRAYER. This is the TRUTH.

  23. Athiests choose to be athiests because it fits their narrow mind set. For example, this is why gays and lesbians choose not to believe because if the did, they would have to give up their corrupt sexual habits which are deeply rooted in EVIL. Or do you really think men were met to mate with other men? Even evolution proves this to be corrupt and sick. Athiests are sick people, but not beyond the power of prayer, and certainly not immune to faith and salvation. Athiests have no hope beyond this life, how brilliant is that?

  24. Congratuations Daniel, for being one of the few Christians to have the guts to stand by the full implications of your religious beliefs — that anyone, no matter how intelligent, friendly, helpful, self-sacrificing, brave, or innocent — will suffer the torments of Hell for eternity if they didn’t believe the right thing when they died.

    Of course, that makes Hitler look like a saint when compared to God. After all, he only tortured millions of Jews for a few weeks before they were sent to the gas chambers and put an end to their earthly suffering. But God picked up the slack from there and sent the vast majority of them straight to Hell where they are supposedly suffering unimaginable torments for the rest of eternity.

    And don’t give me any of that “they sent themselves” nonsense. Did any of them ask to be born? Did any of them ask to be born into a non-Christian community where most would not have even heard of Jesus the Savior until they had been thoroughly indoctrinated in their own “true” religion (if ever – remember millions of them were still kids when they were killed)? Did any of them ask to be victimized, tortured, and persecuted by a nation whose state religion was Christianity only to find out that it was the true faith after all?

    Also God makes the rules. If he wanted to ensure eternal separation from all non-believers then he could just end their existence when they died, a fate that would be infinitely more merciful than an eternity in Hell.

    And Steve Jobs being in Hell isn’t even the worst of it — what about the billion children who must down there suffering right alongside him, if somehow your beliefs happen to be true?

    1. Dreamer, you should read your bible more often. Only those who choose Hades get their wish. The word of God is clear on the innocent, they are under Yahweh’s mercy since they, indeed, were never preached the word. Still they will come face to face with Him, who will judge. Not you nor I, only God knows where Steve, Hitler or my beloved mother Marie are rejoicing, resting…. or burning!

  25. Right. You don’t go to hell by accident. You choose it. Even with everything that evidences God, His attributes and His Son, some simply go forward with a spirit of, “I don’t care, I’ll take the alternative.”

    The natural man cannot seek God, nor comprehend the things of God. His rebellion condemns him. But, it says that the righteous are justified by faith. That is, if you confess Christ as Lord with your mouth and believe God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom 10:9-13)

    So, how to go forward? “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. And the life, which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the One who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Gal 2:20)

  26. Daniel you may indeed be right about Steve Jobs eternal position… unless he turned to Christ at the last second (thief on the cross), however brother, your off-handed “but thanks for the iPhone Stevo” is full of distasteful rejoicing “thanks sucker!”, arrogance, and sarcasm. God tells us in his owns words that even He does not rejoice over those who are in Hell.

    Ezekiel 33:11 -> “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live”

    Brother Daniel I have been a born-again Christian for a very long time and I am happy to lock horns with you any day of the week on the Bible and scripture.

    2 Thessalonians 3:15 -> “Yet count him not as an enemy, but warm him as a brother”

    You think that every character you typed in this post was done in love, but truly not every part of it was.

    Hebrews 12:6 -> “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth”

    It’s fine and good that you are witnessing, but according to the Bible it is unnecessary for us to rejoice in the death of any soul.

    Proverbs 24:17 -> “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth”

    1. Razor,
      It’s thanks to people like you, more so than I, that we all should give praise to Yahweh! For the true gospel of Christ is pursued, and advanced. Thank you for your much valued contribution and teaching, which truly embodies His wisdom. Re. 2 Thes, I Think he’s already warm enough don’t you? I mean, either way. I ain’t judging or nothing. I’m just sayin. Either way, Steve Jobs is plenty warm where ever he is, that’s all I’m sayin. I’d rather go like Dan Wheldon… in a Blaze of Glory to the chant of the Angels!!!!

  27. Re: warm -> typo should have been “warn”… me warning my brother based on scripture. Steve Jobs is of no factor to my mission, so I see no value in contemplating his eternal position. My thoughts and concerns are focused on the still-living souls in front of me that need Christ.

    And yes, cheers to Dan Wheldon. Not sure what his favorite scripture would have been, but 2nd Timothy 4:7 seems fitting -> “I have fought the good fight. I have completed the ‘race’. I have kept the faith”

  28. Well said Daniel! You speak the truth about scripture, and should be praised for your boldness and dramatic, though a propos art work. Keep the boldness alive and do not surrender to evil, or the weak by removing this post, or changing your point of view. By doing so you give up to the world that’s become desensitized to the truth about heaven and HELL. This post exposes the reality of Hades to such an extent, that it’s YOU they curse, the messenger, rather than resting blame on the EVIL in their lives, or their own lack of faith. Be strong Daniel! The enemy is knocking at your door!

  29. If the Bible said all Buddhists go to hell, then the Bible is wrong. If Jesus said all Buddhists go to hell, then Jesus is wrong. Or perhaps, those who interpret the bible and Jesus are the only ones who say all Buddhist go to hell? Then those who interpret the Bible and Jesus are wrong.


  31. Unless he believed in God and His son Yeshua, Steve Jobs is indeed in Hades where all of us sinners belong. Skeptic? Take one more look at the iPhone above and Daniel’s powerful depiction of HELL, that’s where all skeptics are headed, BY CHOICE!!!

  32. How spiritually immature is it possible to be?! You surmise that Steve Jobs is in hell (although you have absolutely no right to make any such assumption), and then say “thanks for the iPhone Stevo, seriously genius dude!”

    All this tells me (as a Bible believing Christian) is that really you do not take hell seriously at all. It seems to me that it is just a doctrine that you spout, because it’s the right thing to do for someone who conforms to a certain interpretation of the Bible. How can you talk about someone allegedly under the eternal judgment of God in such casual terms?

    The Scripture clearly states that “mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13), and that same verse makes clear that the only people who will not be shown mercy are those who have “shown no mercy”. Nothing at all to do with ticking all the right doctrinal boxes before you die (in other words, nothing to do with pseudo-evangelical gnosticism, which tragically masquerades as the truth). Are you seriously suggesting that Steve Jobs “showed no mercy” throughout his life? How do you have such intimate knowledge of Steve Jobs’ heart?

    You say that heaven is not the place for good people, but God’s people. The only trouble with that comment is that a person who does not become “good” by the grace of God is not one of God’s people (read Matthew chapter 25 concerning the reasons for God’s judgment). Conversely, someone who lives in love knows God in their heart, even though they may be confused in their minds doctrinally (thanks to all sorts of influences on them throughout their life). Read 1 John 4:7.

    You seem to separate God’s love from His judgment (the former being unconditional, and the latter not), but that is not scriptural. God judges according to His law, but His law is based on love – read Matthew 22:40. Therefore there cannot be any distinction between His love and His judgment. In fact, what is morality, if it is not defined by love?

    The only way that Steve Jobs could be in hell is if he personally hates the love of God, because God loves him unconditionally for all eternity, and since God’s mercy endures forever, then that mercy is extended to him and to all people for ever. But that mercy and love is “hell” to those who hate it. Therefore we cannot make any statement concerning the eternal destiny of Mr Jobs or anyone else (although I acknowledge that there are some people who are so obviously evil – the Hitlers and Pol Pots of this world – that it is difficult to comprehend them not being damned.) I suspect my last comment in brackets may elicit the reflex evangelical retort that “we are all equally sinful” etc. That is one of the biggest lies of all (and I can prove it from the Bible, but I think I have written enough for now).

    1. Al, my assumption was first based on scripture, then Jobs’ own admission and beliefs. On a side note, it was my own personal understanding and fear of hell that was at the root of this post, perhaps you missed it?

      I’m casual about hell possibly being Steve’s resting place because he’s dead. Should believers’ focus not be on the living?

      Though Jobs might very well have showed “mercy,” was it for God’s glory? Or his own? Perhaps his company’s profit?

      Fyi I do not separate God’s love and His judgment, because He is perfect, so is His judgment, His will, and His wrath.

      Al, your hope for a merciful God is warranted. But your preaching of His judgment based on “mercy” rather than faith is misleading and down right blasphemous.

      You will do well to refrain from bashing fellow believers, rather try edifying them with Christ like love… But that wouldn’t be very Catholic of you Al would it now?

  33. If you believe God will send you to hell because of your sins, you are mistaken. God will not abandon those who surrender to Him or seek refuge in His will. If your soul is troubled by the concept of burning in hell for all eternity, there is hope for you yet! Remember, faith in Christ and a simple prayer can keep you from the lake of fire…

  34. Fear not hell but seek love through faith in Jesus, the living Christ and savior of sinners. Hell and agony are real, and biblical, so are heaven and love. Take your pick!

    1. Right! Whatever Steve saw, he was seemingly awed by it. Perhaps it was that bright white light that’s been discussed over the years? Whatever it was that Jobs wow’d over, I pray that day or judgment comes soon so all believers can stand before our heavenly Father and hear… well done good and faithful servant!

  35. Daniel, I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 12 years old. After years of depression and being extremly upset about a certain thing that still upsets and devastates me to this day I blasphemed the holy spirit and asked Christ to leave me. I am 28 now and am in fear of going to hell. Do you think there is any chance I could still be saved?

    1. Moe, I”m sorry that you have experienced pain and suffering in your life. You’re not alone. I’ve never met a believer that had not came face to face with pain a few times in their lives. What’s funny about pain is, usually, the more pain a person has gone through, the more wisdom, courage, perseverance and, peace can be found within that person.

      I don’t know how or why you denied Christ and the Spirit their place in your life. Remember, He is First and Last, anything else is futile…

      Here’s what I know and rely on about Blasphemous Sin…

      Any sin for which one seeks forgiveness through God’s prescribed plan can be forgiven. This can be demonstrated by the case of no less a person than Paul. Prior to the time of his conversion to Jesus Christ, Saul of Tarsus was “a blasphemer, and a persecutor,” howbeit, he “obtained mercy” (1 Timothy 1:13). When he, in penitent faith, submitted to the Lord’s command to “be baptized,” his sins (including blasphemy) were washed away (Acts 22:16).

      Furthermore, the same gracious promise of comprehensive pardon is available to every child of God—even those who have acted injuriously with reference to Christ and His cause—who will repent of his wrong, acknowledge it, and ask the Lord’s forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

      Moe, your salvation matters to me and more importantly, to God.

      IMO, your concerns about your faith, your fear of Hell and this “virtual” reaching out is a clear sign the Holy Spirit lives within you.

      I pray you will surrender your life to God DAILY knowing He loves you and has a plan for your life… What is this perfect plan? Tune-in tomorrow to find out… ;)

  36. I agree with you Daniel about Jobs when you said “God wouldn’t send Steve Jobs to hell, the Buddhist Apple CEO was headed there all by himself while among the living!”

    What a lot of smug atheists said on their sites I noticed is to bad mouth christians for believing Jobs is in hell and God damned him there. No Jobs had free will and as all fallen men used that free will freely to go exactly where he wanted to go.

    He had his sin nature just like anybody else. Do you remember the kindness and mercy jesus shows the crippled and lame in the New Testament. Well here is Steve jobs in a similar situation (where a wheelchair bound man asks for his autograph a much smaller than than asking to be healed!)

    blurb from video (helps explain what is going on):
    “This was taken at the grand opening of the 5th avenue apple store in new york city. a man in a wheelchair came up to steve jobs and asked for his autograph. jobs proceeded to tell him “no. sign it yourself” in an arrogant way. then when the man asked again jobs says “o, now lay on the guilt. start crying”. finally the man told him that he had spent 25 hours on an airplane to get there and jobs caved. after signing he told the man to “go see the rest of the store”. what the man had jobs sign was an original copy of a macworld issue with steve jobs on the cover debuting the original macintosh.”

    end of quote.

    Now unless you have Jesus pay for that sin, you have to pay for it yourself Stevo. Oh and there is also that illegitimate child you had that you denied was yours but and whose mother had to be on social assistance until after court you finally remembered she was yours. Time to pay up Stevo. And there’s hell to pay.

  37. read the bible. hell a metaphor. and of course why dont jews dont beleive in the hell if christians came from the jewish patheon. brain. the devil again didnt teach the jews its says god did in the bible. and if you read the greek you know that. rewritten the bible and then saying wich chapter that the concile nicei did well according to their own accounts they put in well is herecy and according to you then all christians be in hell. i am buddhist but raised as a christian and i see parallels between both religions. buddha and christ and the buddha is their in your bible. so if heres there then. and your forgetting do we when we die go directlly to heaven or hell. see i believe in my heart of god and your god but your god which to me is my beleifs translated into your culture. your god has inspired me all that hidden wisdom you cant see. god confronts at death and like the poster said even that gets us to heaven. your beleifs say jesus died for us and is god. well can you read. he was sold out he didnt die for us and never said he was god. you deified him so if anybody emulated the true jesus you be denounced only god is jesus like. how sad he said the only to my father as methpor your father god is through him which means act like him. god tells the jews i told you how to act i showed you the way and then doesnt do it and so does jesus. the closest thing to jesus then is buddhism. and if you can read the bible. the jews in isreal by god were told to give pagan rights let them believe but jews were to stay jews. theirs is no damnation of these pagans whic hthen one would conclude if one acted like jesus and then is confronted by god in heaven he goes to heaven.hell is the grave. but of course you will proble out igorance and fear delete this so christians cant see the truth.

  38. Steve Jobs was a buddist……if he didn’t turn to Christ for salvation, then he is in hell according to the Word of GOD. it is sad but the truth

  39. Maranatha. I agree with your whole article -although according to scripture, Satan is not in hell/hades/sheol-hades yet, nor does he or will he ever ‘preside or torture’ anyone there.

    He is the prince of the power of the ‘air’ and will NOT be thrown into Sheol-Hades until the beginning of the millenium,

    The antichrist/beast/and the false prophet/false messiah will be cast into
    the Lake of Fire (not Sheol-Hades) at the end of the Battle of Armageddon.

    Satan the devil HImself is cast into the Lake of Fire (where the Beast and the False Prophet ARE) at the end of the millenium.

    This unholy Satanic trinity does not even stand at the Great White Throne Judgement – God deals with them swiftly as the Word of God plainly demonstrates. When it comes to Hades or Gehenna, they preside over nothing, but are punished like all those who are there.

    Steve Jobs is in Sheol-Hades in the ‘holding cell’ in torture, awaiting the end of the millenium where he will be judged at the Great White Throne.

    His name, missing from the Lamb’s Book of LIfe will result in his being cast into the Lake of Fire – Gehenna, with all other unbelievers of every age. Only THEN will he and they ‘be’ with Satan, AntiChrist, the false Prophet and every demon AND every unbeliever… they will be in eternal fire and scorching darkness ‘alone’ and ‘eternally lonely/guilty’ … forever in Eternity.

    Believers will be in the New Heaven and Earth, and in the New Jerusalem.

    Unbelievers will be in Gehenna, being tortured in the presence of the Lamb and the Heavenly Angels … ” The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: ” Revelation 14:1

    Maranatha John 3:3, 3:16

  40. I’m wondering if we aren’t really exploring the wrong question? I know it’s your blog but as Followers of the Living Savior, Jesus tells us to go make disciples of all nations. On several occasions He tells His followers to shake the dust of their feet when a town won’t receive them.

    But I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that talks about sitting around and playing judge to someone else. Only God can do that. God used Steve Gates in His campaign to spread the Word of God to all nations. (Clearly computers have played a key role) God tells about Hell to help us understand the misery of a life seperate from Him for OUR OWN SAKES to understand how much He really wants us near to Him, not our speculation about others. Phillipians 2:12. I think we also shouldn’t focus soley on love of money or the Buddahist relationship. I wonder how many people reading this today spend more time on their computer, with their family, at their job, than reading their Bible, in prayer and sharing the good news. I must say I’ve been slave to those sins before.

    I know that as Jesus’ beloved Church, we all have way to much joy and outpouring of His Spirit to be teaching fire and brimstone. Let’s get to the work of teaching how SO SO SO great it is to be covered in His love. That’s the message the world needs, the world will respond to, and the one that makes God laugh! And the time is drawing near, Let’s do this!!!

  41. Hi Daniel,

    I agree with everything you said. I do not think you were being
    judgmental at all- you were being true to the gospel.

    God bless

  42. Yes, Steve Jobs burns in hell. Not primarily because he was buddhist, but because he was greedy (I read the Steve Jobs biography) and ripped off the workers who build his iPhones etc. Apple rips off workers in China! They charge horrendous sums for their iPhones and iPads, but the production cost of an iPhone is estimated at 10$. Workers sleep 8 people in one room and work 7 days a week in China, and Apple pretends to be a “cool” “hipster” company. Apple is a rip off. Steve Jobs was not a nice guy.

  43. This whole article is ridiculus, apparently the author knows how the one and only infinite G’d is going to judge about Steve Jobs. And if you ask me, by saying something like that; you are putting yourself above G’d.

    Also the author claims in the comments to know that you can avoid hell by accepting JC as savior by reading English, French, Greek and Hebrew…. Well I don’t know about the English and French but I do know about the Greek and Hebrew. Hebrew is the language of the Jewish people, and the language in which the Jewish scriptures are written and they dont acknowledge JC as Messiah. So that is quite a paradox you get there by mixing up some holy scirptures just to fit your own opinion on something… Quite unrespectfull..

    And the Original Greek sciptures don’t even mention JC and Christianity, but was original an polytheistic religion.

    So in short; this article is blasphemy, untrue and very VERY unrespectfull to a lot of different people and religions.

    1. You seem to have issue with spelling out God and Jesus, I wonder why? As for both Hebrew and Greek scriptures, you are mistaken to claim Yeshua (Jesus, the Christ) and His church are not mentioned since they actually are in all translations of the new testament. Fact is, by denying the deity of the Messiah and making false claims about Him, it is YOU who is guilty of blasphemy, and since blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin, unless you repent of your sinful way and place your trust and faith in the divine Savior, Jesus, you will burn in agony FOREVER! To him that has an ear, let him hear.

      1. He’s obviously jewish. In Judaism spelling out the name of G-d is a sin… and JC isn’t the messiah but a false idol.

        But remember, statements like \but thanks for the iPhone Stevo, seriously genius dude!\ are also placing Steve Jobs in the realm of a false idol. He did nothing except profit from the work of Wozniak, Steve Jobs was Satan Incarnate; a false idol that personally brought pain and suffering in this world with Foxconn which he personally setup and drove countless souls to hell via suicide. He berated everyone around him, making them feel inferior in the wake of his fiery footsteps and cared more about his ego than his own daughter.

        What he did was smile and get the public to worship him; to forsake the lord for \technology\ and his charismatic smile.

        Why do you think he was a Buddhist, a religion where people come back as animals, such as a serpent?

        Why choose an \Apple\ a fruit that is symbolic of temptation, for his logo?

        Why, on his death bed, would he curse those took over Apple?

        He is no idol to be worshiped… fear the bite of the serpent brother.

  44. Yep! You’re spot on on this one Daniel. From his works, and his Buddhist beliefs, Steve Jobs is burning in HELL – Forever!

  45. Hey Daniel,

    I know its an old post. After watching the Apple special event showcasing the iphone 8 and X and how they praised steve jobs. The holy spirit revealed to me he is in hell. This breaks my heart. Your post is right on.and accurate. Oh how I wish people knew about Gods love and how he wants No one to go to hell!

    Great post though..


  46. Steve Jobs is and has always been destined to travel to hell.


    Because the man is a filthy, greedy, money-hungry kike. And only that alone has more than earned him that ticket to hell.

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