The Cybergenica Blog

Why Is Good Friday Called Good?

Why Is Good Friday Called Good

Good Friday is called “good” because of what Jesus did on the Friday He died on the cross at Calvary.

Although the word “good” should really be “holy” or “great,” since the sacrifice made by Christ on this day is so immensely meaningful, English speaking Christians around the globe are satisfied with the old saying that Good Friday is indeed an epic day.

The fact is, it doesn’t really matter what believers label the day Jesus was imprisoned, flogged by Roman soldiers then sentenced to death at the request the Jews. What’s important is that those who place their trust in the Messiah believe it actually happened, from his capture in the Garden of Gethsemane, his beating, how He was forced to carry a cross beam on His back to Calvary where He was hung up, and eventually died.

A gruesome scene called, of all things, good.

I choose to call today EPIC. On this day close to 2,000 years ago, my Lord and Savior gave His life as payment for my sins. He selflessly fulfilled scripture and prophecy.

So today, to celebrate His sacrifice, I will rejoice with my family and bring Him glory with my life. #TGBATG

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