The Cybergenica Blog

Why Hire A Faith Driven Keap Expert?

Christian Keap Consultant

One year ago, Infusionsoft announced it rebranded the company as Keap, a name that represents the very essence of the grit and passion small businesses put in each day to keep going, keep serving and keep growing.

Leaving their “ConfusionSoft” label behind, Keap hopes to help small business owners organize their client information and daily work in one place, freeing you up from repetitive tasks.

But, there’s a catch!

Although Keap features do allow you to take on those tasks that prevent you from focusing on servicing your leads and keeping up with existing clients, setting up automations will still require you to write compelling emails, produce engaging graphics and more importantly, leverage Keap’s tagging system in nurturing campaigns that turn prospects into paying customers.

So Keap is just a different name for the same overall application, and it’s simply Clate Mask’s way of slashing his ridiculous CRM pricing.

At only $99/month, Keap is an invaluable asset to small business owners. But like InfusionSoft, setting up campaigns and automations in Keap requires a lot of time, energy and know how.

While many internet marketers possess the ability to write copy, design graphics and implement Keap campaigns, most of them are also soldiers of Satan who engage in behavior not becoming of a servant of the Lord.

From porn, drug and gaming addiction, flippant use of profanity and defaming online trolling, it’s no surprise over 94% of professional internet marketers are not believers. Is this the type of person you want working on your Keap application?

I like to think character, the harvest of our actions is an important factor when selecting employees and contractors. This is why I recommend you do your homework and make sure your Keap consultant or implementation expert is driven by faith in the risen Savior rather than the need to support sinful habits… #TGBATG

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