TGIM – Twitter Basics [FREE PLR eBOOK!]
I praise God for another spectacular Monday! Oh it’s still a pandemic out there, and like countless people around the globe, I’m sitting at home in front of my computer doing something I am tired of doing: Work online!
You see, I’ve been working on computers since the 1990’s when I was doing graphic design and desktop publishing, which led to website design, multimedia production and eventually, internet marketing.
So, sitting behind a computer screen, or 4 PC screens in my case these days, well that’s second nature and it’s ruining my vision.
Since I enjoy being outdoor so much more, I’ve been working toward a career shirt, not quite a change.
Over the years, I’ve been blessed to have all kinds of cool, short time gigs. One example is my 1 year contract working at Working Disney World, which was one of the best years of my adult life… :)
Unfortunately back in 1992, there was no internet. But guess who hauled his IBM computer in the trunk of his car from Canada, and set it up in his bedroom at Vista Way? THIS GUY!!!
I can only imagine how completely different my experience would have been if we did have the web, YouTube, Facebook and my favorite, Twitter.
Why do I prefer Twitter over Facebook? Though its character limit does pose its challenges, when used intelligently, Twitter has proven to be unmatched when it comes to trending topics.
Plus, unlike Facebook or other social networks, Twitter does not require you “follow” someone to read their timeline or tweets. That’s one reason the terrorist organization ISIS used Twitter to spread their propaganda that potentially reached millions of people within just a few seconds.
That’s why this week, to help you leverage the tremendous potential of social networks, I’m featuring a free PLR ebook about, of all things, Twitter…for God’s glory!
Free PLR eBook – Twitter Basics
This week’s PLR gem is titled “Twitter Basics.”
What you do with this ebook is entirely up to You!
Because this ebook comes with its own Private Label Rights license, anyone can ethically and legally give it away or include it as a bonus with any package. You can even try and sell it if you dare!
To get started, click the link below to download the ebook file in ZIP format, then after you unzip the file, review its content before you leverage its potential on your website.
Click this Link to Download your Private Label Rights Digital Product Now >>
Hi Daniel, I’m glad to hear your businesses are doing well. Are most American businesses thriving under Trump as yours are?
Awesome post Daniel! Thanks for sharing another free PRL…